Law Firm

Ashurst LLP

Enhancing customer service and employee engagement to improve sleep, enjoyment and concentration using mindfulness 

The Situation

Ashurst LLP wanted to explore three key areas:

They were not trying to resolve a problem with mindfulness – as they see it as just one support mechanism that individuals can access if they choose to do so. They were very keen to ensure that mindfulness was not seen as the "silver bullet" to all concerns.

They asked for self-nomination, advertised to everyone in the firm. The initiative was backed by L&D who carried out the due diligence. 

It consisted of 4 x 45 minute face to face sessions and home practice, supported with an app, buddy system, daily email prompts and suggested reading. 

The scientific research used was a core pillar for communication, adding credibility and weight for managers who prefer facts and figures. They had participants complete both pre- and post- course questionnaires as well as an opportunity to provide feedback at the end of the course.

The Approach

The Result

Anecdotal feedback suggests that sleep, engagement, enjoyment and concentration have all improved as a result of the course.  

Mindfulness training is now part of their core offering with a small budget.  

Weekly drop-ins are offered for practice only to sustain practice

* Taken from: Building the Case for Mindfulness in the Workplace, The Mindfulness Initiative, October 2016