“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”

- Jon Kabat Zinn

I am a Mindfulness & Compassion Teacher.

My vision is to create a world where mindfulness and compassion skills are accessible to everyone to nurture their mental wellbeing.  

Mindfulness is bringing our complete attention to this moment.. and to this moment... in a non-judgemental way.  

Paying more attention to the present moment - to our thoughts, feelings and emotions as well the world around us - can improve our mental wellbeing.  This awareness  is called "mindfulness".  

Self compassion is about being a good friend to ourselves.  By greeting this awareness with kindness, we can find new and sustainable ways to respond that look after ourselves and others.

Investing in your health is the kindest gift you can give yourself or your team. I love teaching the skills that enable us to live happier and more balanced lives. Together we can explore how best to introduce techniques into your life to reduce stress and generate greater fulfilment and joy

Try a mindfulness taster session and see if it’s for you.  There’s no commitment, pressure or obligation to continue.  

Teacher-led mindfulness combined with personal inquiry and interaction is a powerful and effective way to build your and your team's calm, curious and compassionate muscle

I'd love to work with you to make this happen for you or your business, school or sports team if you have one.  Please contact me to explore how I could help.